Our Ministry
Who We Are and What We Believe
Jennifer Powell
Inspired Ministries International
Jennifer Powell. an anointed Woman of GOD, is steadfastly devoted to the Power of Prayer and GOD. Her Ministry, Inspired Ministries International, (IMI), is founded upon our relationship with GOD; strengthened by a reading and an understanding of the WORD; creating a greater hunger to communicate with GOD through Prayer; resulting in a greater desire to Worship GOD.
Presently, Evangel Powell works in her Outreach Ministry that includes ministering and counseling within the spiritual community, as well as Prisons, Nursing Homes, as well as many Speaking engagements. She hosts an online Prayer Service each Monday at 6;00 pm (Pacific Time) with many listening to AltarWarriors praying to/for other AltarWarriors from across the country.
Pastor-Elect Powell found the LORD and was saved at New Covenant Pentecostal Tabernacle, 40 years ago in Tacoma, Washington, Pastored by Dr. Edna E. Travis, soon after she arrived from Fort Pierce, Florida. For more than 2 decades she has gained the insight into what it means to be “completely sold out, dedicated, and consecrated” for service unto the LORD.
During her lifetime she endured many tests and trials. GOD never left her side because HE promises that HE would never leave or forsake us, (Hebrews 13:5). HE told us to fear not, (Isaiah 41:10) and promises that HE will be with us always, even unto the end of the world.(Matthew 28:20).
GOD has NEVER broken a Promise; HE NEVER will!!! We BELIEVE!!! Our FAITH is incessant, unfaltering, and forever!!! At IMI, we are searching for those who are willing to Serve the LORD, Share HIS praises. Pray with us. Connect with us. Join us for inspiring and powerful messages.
I am thrilled for you to journey in CHRIST with us.