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Prayer works wherever you are around the globe! Send your Prayer Request to ALTARWARRIORS@GMAIL.COM


Jennifer Powell 

“He kept me in the palm of HIS hand for all these years of my life, and HE will do the same for you……All you have to do is say “yes” to begin the best relationship you can ever imagine.” 

Jennifer Powell is an anointed Woman of GOD with character and passion, morals and values, steadfastly devoted to the Power of Prayer and to GOD. She is the mother of 2 very successful children and has 5 healthy, intelligent grandchildren.

Her Ministry, Inspired Ministries International, (IMI), is founded upon a relationship with GOD; strengthened by a reading and an understanding of the WORD; creating a greater hunger to communicate with GOD through Prayer; resulting in a greater desire to Worship GOD. 

Presently, Evangel Powell works in her Outreach Ministry that includes ministering and counseling in Prisons, Nursing Homes, and an online Prayer Service as well as many Speaking Engagements.
Evangel Powell was saved at New Covenant Pentecostal Tabernacle, 40 years ago in Tacoma, Washington soon after she arrived from Fort Pierce, Florida. She served under the spiritual tutelage of Dr. Edna E, Travis, for over 25 years in various positions, performing tasks at the Church. It was during this time that she gained insight into what it means to be “completely sold out, dedicated, and consecrated” for service unto the LORD. 

During her lifetime she endured many tests and trials. GOD never left her side because HE said HE would never leave or forsake us.(Hebrews 13:5), and that HE would be with us always, even unto the end of the world.(Matthew 28:20).


Join with me and serve the LORD and strengthen your relationship with CHRIST. Learn to love your neighbor and share HIS praises with everyone. Come Pray with me. Connect with me for inspiring and powerful messages. I am thrilled for you to journey in CHRIST with me. 

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At IMI, we base all of our beliefs on the authority of Scripture. In every way, we strive to maintain Biblical standards of living and leadership. We believe that living life according to GOD’s WORD is the way to an abundant, fulfilling life.



The Bible is inspired by GOD and is GOD’s written WORD. The Bible is authoritative and upon which we base our faith, conduct, and doctrine.  



We believe in one eternal GOD, the creator of all things. HE exists in three persons – GOD the Father, GOD the Son, and GOD the Holy Spirit, our comforter. 



JESUS died on the cross and shed His blood for our sin. We believe that Salvation through deliverance from eternal punishment for sin is granted to those who accept by faith, GOD’s conditions of repentance, and faith that the Lord JESUS rose from the dead and is coming again.


We believe that water baptism is a symbol of the cleansing power of the blood of CHRIST and a testimony to our faith in the Lord JESUS CHRIST. 



We believe in the receiving Communion as an act of remembering the sacrifice that JESUS made for us through dying on the cross. 



A relationship with GOD involves Loving the Lord your GOD with all your heart, and all your soul, and all your strength, and all your mind; and, to love your neighbor as yourself. Your love for GOD will then show itself in your love for people, since anyone who does not love his brother whom he has seen, cannot love GOD, whom he has not seen.


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